“With the vast majority of travelers - including more than 600,000 Britons who visit St Pete/Clearwater Florida each year - having researched vacation spots online, we wanted to provide something to augment that experience and make it more enjoyable. This new, interactive approach complements both our website and our printed Visitor Guide, and it’s definitely a unique way to promote the area.”
DT Minich, Executive Director, St Pete/Clearwater Florida
Visit St. Pete/Clearwater challenged us to create a new way to attract visitors to the area that would be more engaging than travel brochures. Through the use of the cutting-edge technology Augmented Reality (AR), Digital Frontiers Media developed a 3-D experience that allows visitors to interact with the area's natural and cultural highlights.
By simply placing a printed "marker" in front of a computer webcam, visitors can take a 3-D "Two Treasures Tour" of the area's beaches and museums from the comforts of their home. Each stop includes clickable icons with fun facts, travel tips, images and links for more information. Destinations outlined on a nearby sign post provide the visitor with a map to navigate through the sights.