boostDFM Design Lab

boostDFM Design Lab

Posted on Thursday, May 24, 2012
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Create a "sticky" homepage to increase conversions, reduce bounce

How many times has this happened to you: You click on a link, land on a homepage, and suddenly you are a deer in the headlights, staring at a page with so much clutter you have no idea where to go to get the information you are looking for? Your eyes roll around the page trying to find something that makes sense, your mouse-finger is poised and ready to bounce you back to search. You give it approximately 5 seconds and click! you're gone. The site not only lost your interest, it lost your business. For good. 

Ban the Bounce

Bounce rate is the number of visitors who left your site from the homepage or landing page without visiting other pages. This rate measures visit quality - a high bounce rate means your visitors did not want to stick around. Why? And why is it important for them to stay? Your visitors have questions and they don't have a lot of time. By quickly directing them to the answers and creating an...


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