
Digital marketing agency boostDFM added to their impressive list of awards at the 2015 AdFed Suncoast’s annual competition, or ADDYs, taking home awards for branding, website design, and mobile/desktop apps.
BoostDFM took home a total of 9 ADDY Awards, winning either or a Gold or Silver Award for nearly every entry they submitted in the competition. The gold ADDY winners will go on to compete at the district level.
List of Awards: 4 Gold Awards and 5 Silver Awards
• Carpe Diem Guesthouse: "Responsive Website" - Gold;
"Creative Technology Website" - Silver;
“Consumer Website" -Silver
• BioscanR: "Digital Apps" - Gold
• The Haven Country Club: "Branding" - Gold
• Virtual Vein: "Branding" - Gold
• Tandem Construction: "B to B Website" - Silver
• KTSY Radio: "Digital App" - Silver
• CS&L CPAs: "Consumer Website” - Silver

BoostDFM now offers expertise in digital presence management and online public relations services. Even if you carefully monitor and maintain your website and business social media pages, your online presence is constantly being updated by other people - thanks to services such as listings sites, reviews apps and more. Fortunately, there are measures you can take to maintain these outlets, and BoostDFM is excited to offer a variety of management services.
Every business is different and has unique needs. We tailor each presence management package to fit our clients, but a sample of services may include:
Management of your listings on search engines and other business listings sites Regular audits of search engine results and mentions of your business on social media Online advertising campaign strategy, creation and management Digital crisis plans for unforeseen circumstances Management of negative reviews of your business on third-party sites SEO servicesContact...

New digital marketing agency boostDFM made their presence known with an unprecedented showing at AdFed Suncoast’s annual competition, or ADDYs, taking home awards for branding, website design and mobile/desktop apps.
The evening saw many firsts, not only for the agency, but for the ADDYs as well. BoostDFM took home 29 ADDYs (including two “Best in Category,” or AMY awards, for website design and branding), more than any other single agency, and was the only agency to win for mobile/desktop applications. BoostDFM demonstrated a literal Midas’ touch, taking the gold for every website entry they had in contention. The gold ADDY winners go on to compete at the district level.
List of Awards: 12 Gold Awards, 2 AMY Awards, 15 Silver Awards
John Cannon Homes:
"Best Responsive Website" - AMY/Gold
"Best Consumer Website" - Gold
"Best Packaging DVD" - Silver
"Best Consumer Trade Magazine Ad" - Silver
Willis Smith Construction:
Sarasota, Fl. — In a show of confidence in Sarasota’s homebuilding market, John Cannon Homes is launching an updated brand, advertising and customer-driven website this week. The investment in the company’s fundamental public communications is intended to modernize electronic communications and make it easier for people to invest in Sarasota through custom home-buying.
“There’s an upward trend in new home construction,” said John Cannon, CEO. “It’s an excellent time to invest in the future, and making sure we become stronger in communicating with our clients and prospective clients is the most important thing we can do.”
The new...

Recently we had the pleasure of working on a small Drupal site for a great client: It’s Worth a Shot Photography of Tampa. IWAS had a minimal budget to work with, but we were committed to finding creative ways to include all of the features IWAS wanted to incorporate into their website for a price they could afford.
Our client’s first requirement was of course, showcasing their bread and butter - photos - hence the prominent slideshows on the home page and several secondary pages. IWAS has not had experience with content management systems in the past and wanted an easy way to show the different styles of photography they shoot, so we added a simple check box listing of the various pages on the back end for them. They are able to upload all of their photos the same way, and simply check click on which pages they want the images to display. Pretty nifty, and the client appreciated the ease of use.
Originally the site was just a showcase of photos and a contact form,...

When I started at DFM nearly two years ago, I thought I knew what my position was about. I assumed based on my past experience, that I would go into the community and help market DFM and be in charge of all sales inquires. While that’s still a piece of my job, what I fell in love with was project management.
The great thing about DFM and its relationship with their employees is that we are allowed to figure out what we want to do in our constantly changing environment. While all of our team members have the understanding that we must work together to complete the needed task on a project, we are always looking for opportunities to personally discover what we love to do.
Within the first few months I discovered a hole in what we did at DFM: we didn’t really have a clear method on project management. I quickly discovered that I love managing projects, making clients happy, dreaming up possibilities with clients, and ultimately providing them with a great experience from...

Roughly six months ago, I had reached the point that most millenials know well at a job: I felt unappreciated, undervalued, and tired of the monotony of a cyclical, conventional job. I was in marketing, which sounds fun in theory. Marketing has branded itself (see what I did there?) to be this exciting, creative field. But, when you’re put in a box and not allowed to explore the limits - as you often are as a youngin’ at any established company - it’s incredibly stifling.
Thankfully, my friends at Digital Frontiers Media were expanding and offered me my current position in web development. Because of an internship I had in college, (and from being a nerdy teenager), I had a lot of HTML and CSS experience, and, being in marketing, I had worked with content management systems and development houses before.
At DFM, I do Drupal site building and theming. Now my days are filled with challenging problem solving, learning new languages, and thinking from all directions. I am...

According to Simply Measured, new research shows that Instagram is the fastest growing social platform in the past year. Instagram’s year-over-year growth by Fortune 100 companies was 14% compared to Pinterest that came in around 10%. Also, compared to Google+’s 10%, Twitter’s 0%, and Facebook’s -1%. Companies that have seen major growth on Instagram are companies like Starbucks, Nike, and MTV with each over 1 million followers. MTV’s latest success story was the pictures posted surrounding the Movie Awards.
Facebook’s Graph Search OptimizationSince Facebook’s major search launch, people are still trying to figure out how to use it. More importantly, companies are trying to figure out how to get their pages to the top of the search list. Unlike Google Search, Facebook has a different algorithm that companies should be focused on. Here are five key metrics for helping your GSO (Graph Search Optimization)....

The highly anticipated Google Glasses are about a year away from regular distribution. There is no doubt the $1500 price tag may send people away, but with the buzz currently all over the internet it seems that this could be a bigger success than analysts might have thought. Google Glasses, also known as “Glass,” sent out beta version of the glasses to some select developers and users to start testing. Developers are being encouraged to start developing apps for the device. However, regulators are already fighting to ban the glasses since you can be recording without anyone realizing that you are recording. In fact, a bar in Seattle last month bans the glasses from being worn inside. Google says they are committed to developing social etiquette and helping in cases were privacy could be compromised. Even with the $1500 price tag, do you think you will buy them?
Windows tablets tackle market shareThose who thought Microsoft was out of...

A shocking moment happened with me this week after purchasing my first mac laptop in 5 years. I purchased the new macbook pro with retina display and after opening it up, the first website I visited was Ask any designer, developers, mac-enthusiast, when it comes to Apple products, we’re all in. However, I still find the Microsoft Office product superior than the apple office-like product. This made me realize just how important both companies are in the technology industry. When it comes to operating systems, the Mac OS is far superior although Windows 8 shows an innovative approach to making a great product. The benefits of owning a PC are the amount of programs that don’t run on Mac yet. However, Mac users experience a lot less virus and malicious activity on their computers. I believe computers connect with a person’s personality. You can learn a lot about a person based on the computer they own. But as shocking as my...