RGB stands for "Red, Green, Blue" and refers to the three colors of light that mix together to form any color. TVs and computer monitors use RGB to create the images you see on the screen.
A raster image is a way to represent photos or illustrations as digital images. If a raster image is enlarged too much, it will appear to be jagged, fuzzy or low quality. Vectors use points, lines, curves, and shapes to represent images in computer graphics. Vector graphics can be enlarged without a loss in image quality.
use it in real life: Lets say you have a logo thats a vector file and a photo image thats a raster file. Now lets say you want them to be used in a print ad. Based upon its resolution, the photo can only be enlarged so much and then it will loose its image quality and become jagged or "bitmapped". It also cannot be easily reproduced on surfaces like a t-shirt or a hat. The logo can be enlarged as much as is required and not loose its image quality. Also, the vector image can be easily reproduced on all types of surfaces. This is why designers want to create logos that are vector files, not raster files as they allow for unlimited sizes without loosing image...
The quality of an image and how well it reproduces. In printing, it refers to the number of Dots Per Inch (DPI) printed on a page. Generally, the more dots per inch, the better quality the image. In websites, it refers to Pixels Per Inch (PPI) on the screen.
use it in real life: Designers working in print are always wanting "hi-res" or high resolution image files because printing requires resolution or more dots per inch (DPI) to make it appear sharp and in focus than an on-screen image. Printing requires 300 DPI vs 72 PPI or Pixels per inch for monitors, TVs or other screens.
The invisible line upon which most letters rest and below which a letter's descenders extend.
see also: descender
A 2-D structure made up of intersecting vertical and horizontal lines used in page layout for print or web. This structure allows the designer to organize type and images in a logical format.
see also: layout
A GIF (graphics interchange format) graphic file on a web page which consists of two or more images shown in timed sequence which gives the appearance of movement. An animated GIF can loop endlessly or it can complete a sequence and stop.
use it in real life: You have probably been annoyed by an animated GIF while surfing the web, for example, a twirling icon or a banner with a hand that waves or photos that "move" like a mini movie
A Graphics Interchange Format is a type of graphic file used for file compression to reduce transfer time and can store text and graphic images up to 256 colors.
see also: jpg, tiff
Named for the Joint Photographics Experts Group which created the standard, a JPEG or JPG is a type of file compression for images. The degree of compression can be adjusted, allowing a selectable tradeoff between storage size and image quality. JPG is better than GIF for photos as GIF files can only have 256 different colors and JPG can have millions.
see also: gif, tiff
A Tagged Image File Format is a type of file compression for type and images in monochrome, gray scale, 8-and 24-bit color that allows file storage or exchange between graphics programs.
see also: gif, jpg
the creative process that combines art and technology to solve visual communication problems.
use it in real life: Lets say you want to promote your business by reaching out to the marketplace to tell them who you are, what you offer, and where you are. How do you do that? You could stand on a busy corner and yell, you could type a post on Facebook, write a letter or send an email….but how successful would that be without a unifying concept that combines your information with something visual that grabs the viewer's attention? Graphic designers work with words and images to communicate ideas by selecting and arranging visual elements such as type, symbols, and colors. Applications are wide and varied and include corporate identities, websites, advertising, publications, packaging, signage, and merchandising.